Paper Submission

Please submit your paper from here.


Paper Submission


  • KEER2024 welcomes submission of high quality, original and unpublished papers. All papers must be submitted electronically via Online Paper Submission Website adhering to the guidelines below. Please select the submission track of Regular Session or Special Sessions.

  • It is the author’s responsibility to make sure the paper is free from plagiarism and all legal consents and copyrights are properly archived upon submission to the conference. Plagiarism check by the organizer will be conducted at camera-ready stage, and any papers that exceed 40% of similarity index will be automatically rejected. No refund of registration fees will be made for such cases.


  • Papers can be presented as a presentation or a poster.

  • Presentations take place in parallel sessions,and each session will be focusing on one topic. Presenters should import the presentation files, such as PowerPoint files, in advance and proceed with a 5-10 minutes oral presentation.

  • Posters will be presented in a specific place where people presenters should be close to their own posters and present their work to visitors. Presenters should follow the Poster Template(link) to print out and post on the poster area.


1) Full Paper :

  • Language: English.

  • Paper size: A4 Paper.

  • Page limit: A manuscript should be between 5 to 10 pages.

  • Paper submission for review: PDF Format according to the given template (Size not more than 10Mb).

  • Paper submission for Final Camera-Ready: Both MS Word (.docx) and PDF (made from original source .docx) files need to be submitted.

  • Please ensure that all the figures are of 300 DPI resolutions.

    Paper Template:
    Full Paper Template

2) Short Paper for poster session :

  • Language: English.

  • Paper size: A4 Paper.

  • Page limit: A manuscript should be between 2-4 pages.

  • Paper submission for review: PDF Format according to the given template (Size not more than 10Mb).

  • Paper submission for Final Camera-Ready: Both MS Word (.docx) and PDF (made from original source .docx) files need to be submitted.

  • Please ensure that all the figures are of 300 DPI resolutions.

  • An accepted short paper will be suggested to be presented as a poster.

    Paper Template:
    Short Paper Template
    Poster Template

3) Special Session Paper:

  • Language: English.

  • Paper size: A4 Paper.

  • Page limit: A manuscript should be between 12 to 15 pages.

  • Please ensure that all the figures are of 300 DPI resolutions.

  • Papers should be submitted both in MS Word (.docx) and PDF (made from original source .docx) file format (Size not more than 10Mb).

  • An accepted paper should be presented by one of its authors who must register for the conference and pay the fee. Accepted but no-show papers may be excluded from the indexation.

  • The accepted paper might be reviewed to suggest the proper session.

    Paper Template

    Paper template (with instruction for using template – zipped) , copyright form and authors guidelines , Please read these guidelines carefully before submitting a paper. Office Word 2010-2016 documents are recommended.

    If you are not able to access the template, please inform us at official language is English (Please make sure proof-reading of English language is conducted and if necessary submit to native English checker before submitting to us. Paper may be rejected due to language problems).

Kansei for
Sustainability and Innovation

The 2024 International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research
20th - 23rd November 2024, Taichung Taiwan